- 1998 - Natalie R. Cox - Harpist; Grant to produce a new CD recording - $7,500
- 1999 - Society For Art Publications; Grant for a mural for Powell St. BART Station - $8,000
- 2000 - Carrington School, Waterbury, CT; Grant for Poetry In the Schools Program - $8,000
- 2001 - Sonoma County Repertory Theatre; Scholarships for their Theatre Arts Program - $7,000
- 2002a - Morris Turner III; Grant for his "Black Towns of America" Project - $1,500
- 2002b - Topanga Symphony; Grant for the mounting of a fourth Concert in 2002 - $3,000
- 2002c - Redwood Arts Council; Grant in support of their 2002 Spring Concert - $2,000
- 2003a - Incline Chamber Music Society; Grant in support of their Summer Concert - $2,000
- 2003b - Topanga Symphony: Grant for a fourth concert for 2004 - $3,500
- 2003c - Sonoma County Repertory Theatre; Grant for tuition support for student actors - $1,000
- 2004a - Hillside Historic District, Waterbury, CT; Grant for writing a history of Hillside - $2,500
- 2004b - California Genealogical Society; Grant for software to create an on-line data base - $1,500
- 2004c - Berkwood Hedge School, Berkeley, CA; Grant for their History of Berkeley Project - $1,500
- 2005 - Outward Bound School: Scholarships Lighthouse Charter School, Oakland, OB trip - $3,000
- 2006 - Mattatuck Museum, Waterbury, CT; Funding for the publication of Hillside book - $5,000
- 2007a - Shakesperience Theatre, Waterbury, CT: Sponsoring their Theatre in the Park - $5,000
- 2007b - Drawbridge Art In Schools Program; Funding for their 2008 Art program - $1,000
- 2007c - Space Science 4 Schools, Carson City, NV; Support of their sky telescope program - $500
- 2008 - Random Acts Program, Berkeley, CA; Firefighters Books-For-Kids Program - $1,250
- 2008 - Random Acts Program, Berkeley, CA; Follow-up Grant for their Books-For-Kids - $1,250
- 2009a - Sunnyside School, Sherman Oaks, CA; Contribution for their 1st Annual Gala - $1,000
- 2009b - Sierra Lutheran High School, Carson City, NV; Two Scholarships for students - $5,000
- 2010a - Connellsville Area Historical Society, Connellsville, PA; McElhaney Bottles Project - $4,000
- 2010b - Gunn Memorial Museum, Washington, CT; Shepaug Valley Middle School Translation Project - $4,000
- 2011 - Carrington School, Waterbury, CT; Chinese Students Visit - Project Funding - $4,000
- 2012a - Hawthorne Ordnance Museum, Hawthorne, NV; Monument Project - Memorial Install - $2,500
- 2012b - Gunn Memorial Museum, Washington, CT; Publishing Grant - Shepaug Book - $1,500
- 2013 - Lithuanian Translation Project; Funding for translation of "Pasakos" into English - $2,000
- 2014 - Historic Overlook Community Club; Funding their Fulton Park Guide & Restoration - $1,500
- 2016 - Historic Overlook Community Club; Further publishing & restoration - Fulton Park - $1,500
- 2017a - Literacy Volunteers of Waterbury, CT; Reading Improvement Project - $4,500
- 2017b - Westmark School of Encino, CA; 2017 Education Improvement Program - $4,500
- 2017c - Tomales History Center, Tomales, CA; Film and Historic Preservation Project - $4,500
Grand Total 1998 thru 2017: - $106,500