The Backhus Foundation is a
tax-exempt, non-profit foundation which makes monetary
grants to the Arts, Education, History, and Preservation.
It was founded to combine our family's interest in the Arts with our
desire to preserve the past.
We are a registered IRS 501(c)(3) organization, making our first
Grant Award in 1998. We enthusiastically
continue funding
projects annually, having made at least one grant each year since 1998.
Click the link to learn more about our fine
grant recipients.
In pursuing our Preservation goal, we opened our
"Museum of Collections" in Northern California. This museum was a place where
preservation-minded people could display their unique family histories, (whether family photos,
memorabilia, unique collections, toys, artifacts, or other treasures). The museum had
an art gallery, library, historic research center,an area for relaxation and
contemplation, and even a working model train layout.
Our exhibits honored creative activities, such as art,
poetry, music, and history conveying a sense of reverence for the histories its collections and artifacts represented. The museum closed in July 2005 as we concentrated our efforts on selecting and supporting worthy Grant recipients.
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This endeavor really began with my parents,
Dr. Louis Charles & Mrs. Milda Barvicks Backhus who resided in the historic state of Connecticut. They lived in an era when achieving the "American Dream"
was a widespread goal. Milda's favorite phrase was, "Hitch your wagon to a star."
Both parents were able to realize many of their dreams, becoming medical professionals, and enjoying
long careers.
They honored these achievements by
tenaciously saving valued things of the past which represented various stages of their career efforts. Treasures such as diplomas, yearbooks, uniforms, text books, family heirlooms, paintings, prints and old phonograph records were carefully preserved. Then, on special occasions, they would be affectionately retrieved to enjoy and revere as reminders of the past
they represented.
Milda, 1928
Louis, 1924
The family's personal activities, such as motor trips, birthdays,
anniversaries and holidays, were similarly honored and preserved with
photographs, movies, souvenirs, magazines, newspaper articles, & other
objects of the passing parade of life.
As part of our family life, my parents involved us in a
full range of cultural interests: symphonies, art galleries, poetry
readings, lectures, et cetera. We learned to value art, music, books,
historic places and ideas, helping us to form an appreciation of the past and of
America's rich promise. This is the priceless heritage the
Backhus Foundation wishes to honor, preserve and promote.
Thus, we Backhus boys (my brother Louis, Jr, & I), learned
to respect effort, honor achievement, and preserve the past.
Stephen, 1957
Louis, Jr., 1961
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We invite you to find out more about us by exploring this website. Look in our
News section for brief updates, and do explore our
Grants section for more detailed descriptions of each year's
grants. We believe you'll find our grant recipients impressive.
We ask that you to review our accomplishments and we invite you to join with us in
celebrating these ideas. We hope you find our goals and accomplishments as
fascinating and worthwhile as we have. Here's to an artistic, educational,
historic, preserved, and enriched association.
With warmest regards,
Steve Backhus